
Newbridge Wine and Liquors Sells sweetened Liquers

Sweet, Flavorful Liquers

Although liquors and liquers both contain alcohol and have similar spellings, the terms refer to different beverage types.

In short, liqueurs are generally much sweeter than liquors.

Liquers tend to be strong, sweet, and highly flavored. They're often served as after-dinner drinks, and are created from a base liquor that is then supplemented with sugar, herbs, spices, and fruits to achieve a desired flavor. Cream liquers may have added cream that creastes smooth flavors and textures.

Liquers may vary in potency from a low range of 30 proof to as much as 110 proof.

Popular brands include Grand Marnier, Drambuie, Limoncello's, Chambord, and many others that will satisfy your sweet tooth.